Earwig recommended frameworks (yellow star) appear at the top of the list.
Otherwise, alphabetically.
To re-order the list for any of the SEN categories shown, click on the category
The Earwig Framework Library contains more than 300 progress assessment structures which have been built at the request of special schools in the UK.
The library is not just a list of frameworks. The INFO button provides a description of each and the VIEW button allows you to see the scheme as it would appear in Earwig and drill right down to the individual targets.
There are three ways to filter the list to find just the frameworks that you want to review or add to your current suite.
AREA OF EDUCATION - Use the filter at the top of the page to filter the list for the area that you are interested in.
DISABILITY TYPE - If you are looking for schemes that deal with a particular disability type or level, click on the relevant disability mnemonic at the top of the grid to bring those frameworks to the top of the list.
SEARCH BY WORD - Type a word into the SEARCH box to filter for that word.
If you are just browsing, you can select a shortlist of schemes and email a link to these to colleagues for discussion.
You will only see the Limited List of about 50 Fixed Frameworks.
Welcome to the Earwig Framework Library
If you have an Earwig login or we have your details, just enter
your email address here.